
This entry was posted by on Sunday, 18 November, 2018 at

My desktop computer died today.

It’s been over three years since I last posted. Needless to say, things have happened since then, and almost none of it good.

Two years ago, I participated in something called nanowrimo, a challenge in which one takes the 30 days of November to write a 50,000 word novel. My finished story was under 30,000 words, and it was not good, for far too many reasons to get into here.

I started to write a blog post about the process once, but that also was not good.

This year, I decided to forgo the novel, and try to bang out as many short stories as I could, from a list of ideas that I have been keeping and adding to since my college days. Most of these were also not good.

A lot of them were not even finished. For some, I reached my intended conclusion, only to think, “You call that an ending‽ What was the point of that?” One took a unexpectedly dark turn and I was too disturbed to continue. On a couple of others, I just got bored and abandoned them midway through. A few might have been decent.

It doesn’t really matter now, because my computer died, and they’re all gone, along with the master idea list, and really quite a lot of other things that I am going to miss.

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