Year Three

This entry was posted by on Friday, 30 June, 2006 at

I wanted to write about something else this week, but hey, look what day it is. Another year already? What a spectcular waste of time that was.

I used to think that there would be some dramatic moment of revelation, some significant event that would change everything. I tried to force it a few times; tried to assign undue significance to minor things and declare that henceforth everything would be different. It never “took.” Time rolls on, and change happens at its own pace. People come and go. Seasons come and go. But there is no great revelation coming. Whatever else might be said, it’s clear that the God I’ve been looking for for three years isn’t looking for me.

God isn’t who I thought He was.
Love isn’t what I thought it was.
Electrical Engineering definately isn’t what I thought it would be.

But where would I go? Who else has the words of life?

If I was to be completely honest, I would have to admit that my life couldn’t possibly be any easier. Yet I remain miserable. And I always have been. There have been moments of happiness, days, seasons perhaps. But I have never had lasting joy. It’s not about circumstances; there’s actually something wrong with me. I once thought that God could fix that, but not anymore. I’m working on accepting the idea that happiness just isn’t in the cards for me.

So three years then. Should I make a cake or something? How about a song:

i want to…
i want to be someone else or i’ll explode
floating upon the surface for the birds
the birds
the birds

you want me?
well f~ing well come and find me
i’ll be waiting
with a gun and a pack of sandwiches
and nothing


you want me?
well come on and break the door down
you want me?
f~king come on and break the door down
i’m ready
i’m ready
i’m ready

i’m ready


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