Losing My Religion

This entry was posted by on Monday, 13 March, 2006 at

I was going to change the title of the blog this weekend. In fact, I nearly stormed out of my church group meeting on Sunday night in order to do so. That title just does not not seem honest anymore. However, to my recollection, I have only “stormed” three times in my adult life, and this occasion did not quite qualify. I would hate to expend all that energy for a group of people whom I doubt would have understood the point anyway. And once again, why does everything always have to be about me?

That’s right, I am so utterly indecisive that I literally have to weigh the pros and cons before I can even lose my temper. (If you think that I am being facetious, there are witnesses who could confirm this.)

Anyway, I have not thought of better title yet.

I think that God is a real prick.
I would feel a bit better if I could say that God was an imaginary prick, but there’s nothing for it.

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